Family owned and operated. We provide businesses and residents with comprehensive painting, touch ups, new paint jobs, free estimates for over 30 years.
(562) 508-9596

9712 Somerset Blvd | Bellflower, CA 90706

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  Mon – Fri 8AM – 5PM / Sat & Sun: 8AM – 1PM


License #: 1100830

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About Us

Our beliefs

Lucy’s Painting Company has a long standing trajectory of 30+ years for serving its customers with outstanding interior and exterior painting services. We have provided these services through our sister company Andersen Construction. We believed it was time to move on to the next level and create a better and more unique experience for our customers that only require painting services. The founder of Lucy’s Painting Company has been involved with the painting process since Andersen was first a company. She is taking the lead in ensuring that every single customer is treated above and beyond. Lucy’s Painting Company is named after the founder’s daughter and this is a key takeaway in how the company will continue to run. Ensuring that her daughter can see women entrepreneurs taking on the role of CEOs and being successful. Hoping to create a path for more women to plant their success as entrepreneurs. 

Request a FREE Estimate – (562) 410-6382

Lucy’s Painting Company History

Our story follows the new American dream. It was the founder of the company who decided that it was time to create a better Painting company. Knowing the painting industry inside and out due to working many jobs throughout the past 30 years, it was time to take it to the next level. Lucy’s Painting Company started out as a contracting company for construction. When the founder realized that painting required more focus, she decided that it was time to open the new, but very experienced Lucy’s Painting Company to be able to give its customers that ultimate focus. 

Request a FREE Estimate – (562) 410-6382